Terms and Conditions of Service

These terms and conditions form the basis on which you can visit our premises and our website. They also comprise the terms and conditions in which we supply our products and services to you. Please read them carefully before you submit your order or reservation with as they contain important information.  

Information about us and how to contact us:

We are Joanne Adams Primary Tuition, a sole trader established in England and Wales.

My registered office is 8 Yewlands Avenue, Fulwood, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 9QR.

You can contact me on: 07806 615997 or via email: [email protected]. When we refer to the words 'writing' or 'written' in this document, this includes emails.

This website and premises are owned and operated by Joanne Adams of Joanne Adams Primary Tuition.

If you have any queries about these terms and conditions or if you have any comments or complaints on or about our website, you can contact us at 07806 615997 or email [email protected].

1. The contract between us  

We must receive payment of the whole of the price for the service or product that you order before your order or reservation can be accepted. Payment of the price of a product or service represents an offer on your part to purchase, which will be accepted by us only when a confirmation of acceptance is sent by us. Only at this point is a legally binding contract created between us.  

2. Acknowledgement of your order or reservation

To enable us to process your order or reservation, you will need to provide us with your e-mail address. We will notify you by e-mail as soon as possible to confirm receipt of your order/reservation to confirm details. For the avoidance of doubt, this correspondence does not constitute a contract between us.

3. Ownership of rights  

All rights, including copyright, in this website and products provided are owned by or licensed to Joanne Adams Primary Tuition. Any use of this website or its contents, including copying or storing it or them in whole or part, other than for your own personal, non-commercial use, is prohibited without our permission. You may not modify, distribute or repost anything on this website for any purpose.  

4. Accuracy of content  

We have taken care in the preparation of the content and product illustrations on this website, in particular to ensure the prices quoted are correct at the time of publishing and that all services have been described accurately. Although we have made every effort to display the colours of any products accurately, we cannot guarantee that a device's display of the colours or the printed pictures are accurate reflections.  Your product may vary slightly from those images.

5. Damage to your computer

We try to ensure that this website is free from viruses or defects. However, we cannot guarantee that your use of this website or any websites accessible through it will not cause damage to your computer. It is your responsibility to ensure that the right equipment is available to use the website. Except in the case of negligence on our part, we will not be liable to any person for any loss or damage which may arise to computer equipment as a result of using this website.  

6 Providing services

We will supply the services to you from the agreed date confirmed in your order via email.

If our service is affected by an event outside of our control, we will contact you to advise you of any changes. Please see the section on cancellation rights for reimbursement of any fees paid.

7. Availability and delivery of our products and services

 The services will be provided within an agreed timescale, and time is not of the essence of the contract.

7.1 Links to digital products purchased or requested, will be delivered to the email address entered by the consumer at the time of order. Any errors in the email address submitted at the time of order are the consumers responsibility to rectify.

7.2 Any physical products may incur a delivery charge. Charges for this will be made clear and be requested at the time of order. We are not responsible for delays in the delivery of items outside of our control and will take steps to minimise the effect of any delay. Please see Section 11 for your Cancellation rights.

7.3 We may need to request certain information in which to provide an effective service or attribute the appropriate product for you. We will contact you to request this information. If you do not provide this information, within a reasonable time of us asking for it, or you provide us with incomplete or incorrect information, we may either end the contract or make a reasonable administration charge for any extra work required as a result.

8. Ordering and reservation errors

You are able to correct errors on your order or reservation up to the point on which you click on “submit” during the ordering process.  

9. Price

The prices payable for services that you order or reserve are as set out on our website. All prices are inclusive of VAT at the current rates and are correct at the time of entering information.  

10. Payment terms for products and services  

We will take payment upon receipt of your order/reservation from your credit or debit card. We accept no liability if our services are delayed because you did not give us the correct payment details. If it is not possible to obtain full payment for the services from you, then we can refuse to process your order and/or suspend any further services. This does not affect any other rights we may have.  

10.1 Following your tuition trial period, we will reserve your weekly day and time monthly. You will receive a link to reserve and pay for your tuition in monthly blocks around 14 days before the start of each month. Where no payment is received by Joanne Adams Primary Tuition, prior to the 1st of each month, Joanne Adams Primary Tuition reserves the right to offer your reserved slot to another pupil.  

10.2 Payment must be made in full, in advance, for all group tuition packages.  You have a 14 day initial period in which you may cancel your booking. Any refund within this 14 day period will be subject to deductions for the lessons and learning material accessed within your initial. No refunds will be given after the initial 14 day period.

10.3 Payment must be made in full, in advance, for all learning programmes. You have a 14 day initial period in which you may cancel your booking if you have not accessed the digital material within the programme. On booking your programme, you will be issued with log in details for the Learning Hub. Once you have accessed the Learning Hub, no refund will be given as you have received full access to the digital materials contained within the programme.

10.4 Payment must be made in full, in advance for any physical or digital products. No refund will be issued for digital products once they have been emailed. It is the purchaser's responsibility to ensure they provide the correct email address at the time of purchase.  

10.5 Failure to make payment results in the cancellation of our contract to provide products or services to you.

11. Cancellation rights and end of contract  

11.1 Where you are a consumer as defined in The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 SI 2013/3134
you have the legal right to cancel your order up to 14 calendar days after the day on which the contract is entered into (the Cancellation Period). You do not need to give us any reason for cancelling your contract nor will you have to pay any penalty (unless we have begun the services within the Cancellation Period in accordance with clause 10.5).  

11.1.1 In the case of one-to-one tuition, your Consumer Regulation right to cancel falls within the two-week trial period. Trial periods are paid for in advance. Refunds will be issued for any whole lessons that are not accessed during this period. Where a lesson starts and is not completed due to a decision by the consumer, no partial refund will be issued for this lesson.  

11.1.2 In the case of a cancellation due to a holiday request by the consumer, four-weeks’ notice must be given to Joanne Adams Primary Tuition in writing via email, to avoid a cancellation fee.  

11.1.3 In the case of a cancellation due to illness/injury or other circumstances by the consumer, no refund will be issued.

11.1.4 In the case of a cancellation due to illness/injury or other circumstances by Joanne Adams Primary Tuition, a credit will be issued for lessons in the next 4 week charging period.

11.1.5 To end tuition services, Joanne Adams Primary Tuition requires a minimum of 14 calendar notice in writing via email. Where prepaid lessons (unused) exist or a credit remains on the consumer account, Joanne Adams Primary Tuition will contact you to request your bank details to process a refund. Please allow up to 14 days for Joanne Adams Primary Tuition and third-party banking systems to complete a refund.

11.1.6 Where a consumer purchases a group package of tuition, the responsibility to attend and engage within the lessons and associated materials is the responsibility of the consumer. No liability can be held by Joanne Adams Primary Tuition for the outcomes of tuition. Should a consumer wish to cancel within the initial 14 days, their log-in details for materials will be revoked and a partial refund issued for any lessons they have attended minus any appropriate administration charges. No refunds will be issued for consumers that wish to cancel after the 14-day period.

11.1.7 Where a consumer purchases online materials, the 14-day Cancellation Period does not apply. No refund will be issued for consumers who have accessed any of the learning material wholly or in any part.

11.2 The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 SI 2013/3134 do not apply if the services you have ordered are of a gambling, banking, credit, insurance, personal pension, investment or payment nature.

11.3 In accordance with The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 SI 2013/3134
you cannot cancel your contract if the services you have ordered are passenger transport services, services (other than the supply of water, gas, electricity or heating) for which the price is dependent on fluctuations in the financial market, urgent repairs or maintenance where you have specifically requested a visit, accommodation, transport of goods, vehicle rental services, catering or services related to leisure activities (if the contract provides for a specific date or period of performance).

11.4 Should you wish to cancel your order or reservation, you must email [email protected] stating the name of the user and specific service you wish to cancel in accordance with the above terms and those stated in the Cancellation Policy.

11.5 If you require us to begin the services within the Cancellation Period we require you to make an express request to do so. In such cases, your right to cancel continues until either the end of the Cancellation Period, or the completion of the services, whichever is the earlier. If you cancel during the Cancellation Period we may charge you for any services provided up until the point when we receive your cancellation notice, and will provide a partial and proportionate refund accordingly. Your right to cancel the services will no longer apply once the services have been fully performed.

12. Cancellation by us  

12.1 We reserve the right not to process your order if:  

12.1.1 We have insufficient staff or resources to deliver the services you have ordered;

12.1.2 We do not provide services to your area; or

12.1.3 One or more of the services you ordered was listed at an incorrect price due to a typographical error.

12.2 If we do not process your order or reservation for the above reasons, we will notify you by e-mail and will re-credit to your account any sum deducted by us from your credit/debit card as soon as possible, but in any event within 14 days.

12.3 Where a consumer displays aggressive or inappropriate behaviour (verbally or physically), Joanne Adams Primary Tuition reserve the right to cancel any future services. All unused lessons will be refunded and confirmation of the termination of contract will be sent to the consumer via email. Joanne Adams Primary Tuition reserves the right to inform third party authorities of such incidents in line with her Safe Guarding policy.

13. If there is a problem with the services


13.1 If you have any questions or complaints about the services please contact us. You can do so via telephone at 07806 615997, write to 8 Yewlands Avenue, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9QR or email: mrsadams:primary-tuition.co.uk.

13.2 We are under a legal duty to supply services that are in conformity with this contract and in accordance with the Consumer Rights Act 2015 (the Act).  

14. Liability  

13.1 We are only responsible for losses that are a natural, foreseeable consequence of our breach of these terms and conditions. We do not accept liability if we are prevented or delayed from complying with our obligations set out in these terms and conditions by anything you (or anyone acting with your express or implied authority) does or fails to do, or is due to events which are beyond our reasonable control.

14.1.1 This does not exclude or limit in any way our liability to you where it would be unlawful to do so. This includes liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents, subcontractors or volunteers; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; for breach of your legal rights in relation to the goods and for defective products under the Consumer Protections Act 1987.

14.2 Furthermore, we do not accept liability for any losses related to any business of yours including but not limited to: lost data, lost profits, lost revenues or business interruption.  

14.3 Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to limit any rights you might have as a consumer under applicable local law or other statutory rights that may not be excluded nor in any way to exclude or limit our liability to you for any death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

15. Notices  

Unless otherwise expressly stated in these terms and conditions, all notices from you to us must be in writing and sent to our contact address at 8 Yewlands Avenue, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9QR and all notices from us to you will be displayed on our website from time to time.

16. Changes to legal notices

 We reserve the right to change these terms and conditions from time to time and you should look through them as often as possible.

17. Law, jurisdiction and language

This website, any content contained therein and any contract brought into being as a result of usage of this website are governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Parties to any such contract agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. All contracts are concluded in English.

 18. Invalidity

 If any part of these terms and conditions is unenforceable (including any provision in which we exclude our liability to you) the enforceability of any other part of these conditions will not be affected.  

19. Privacy

 You acknowledge and agree to be bound by the terms of our Privacy Statement.

20. Third party rights

 Nothing in this Agreement is intended to, nor shall it confer any rights on a third party.  

Copyright 2024 ©️ - Joanne Adams Primary Tuition - Terms and Conditions